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Effects of Diet:

  • What we eat matters for every aspect of our health, but especially our mental health. 

  • Strokes are the 5th leading cause of death in the United States and a significant cause of disability.

  • Healthy diet was associated with a significantly lower risk of developing depressive symptoms.

  • Overwhelming evidence supports the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle for just about everything, preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer dementia, and mental health disorders.

  •  No one got fat eating berries or broccoli. Quality matters over quantity. And when it comes to what we eat, quality really, really matters.

  • Self-care includes things like sleep, physical activity, and diet, and is just as important as meds and therapy — sometimes more so.

  • Diet is such an important component of mental health that it has inspired an entire field of medicine called nutritional psychiatry.

  •  looking at Multiple studies supports that there is a link between what one eats and our risk of depression.

  • "A dietary pattern characterized by a high intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grain, fish, olive oil, low-fat dairy and antioxidants and low intakes of animal foods was apparently associated with a decreased risk of depression. 

  • A dietary pattern characterized by high consumption of red and/or processed meat, refined grains, sweets, high-fat dairy products, butter, potatoes, high-fat gravy, and low intakes of fruits and vegetables is associated with an increased risk of depression."

Monique Tello, M. (2020) Diet and depression, Harvard Health. Available at: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/diet-and-depression-2018022213309 (Accessed: 24 July 2023).


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