Graphic Novel Reflection

 Basically I presented this graphics novel page to my SPA. Her initial reaction was that the graphic novel was dark. She also said that the drawings were well done and I agree. I do like to draw and it's something i've been doing since I was a kid. Drawing and writing down anything is a way to express your brain. But it is also a way to bring your thoughts into the 3rd dimensional world. The moment you write it down it becomes “real.” Anyways besides the point my instructor enjoyed looking at this work. She found the evil of the world interesting and so do I. We began to talk about money and I explained to her the four devils, Jealousy, envy, hate and lust. Money is the root of all evil. These are energies that we need to position ourselves away from if we don't want to interfere with our happiness. True happiness can be eternal if we learn to master our brain.  We are influenced and socialized which dictates the way we subconsciously do things. One thing I am learning to do now is to write more things down to begin manifesting who I want to be. The power of our brain is yet to be discovered by most of the population. There are a few people that have the knowledge but with the school system it keeps us limited to the knowledge that I think is useless. Overall I enjoyed having this talk with my SPA because we were both able to learn.


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