Recipe Foundation

"Laughter is brightest where food is the best."

This dish holds a special place in my heart because it was my mother's favorite.

Tortillas, homemade or storebought. 
Refired beans 
1 cup crumbled queso or whatever cheese preferred
1 avocado 
1 cup sour cream or crema 
Diced tomatoes/optional 

This dish originated in Honduras, the homeland of my peoples. Since the moment these refried beans touched my taste buds I fell in love. It is a quick and easy meal that thousands of people are eating at this second. It is loved all around the world. It is tasty, delicious, and amazing. Better than your mothers' homemade meals. Some people see this dish as nasty. But everything is all about perspective as well as preference. It all comes down to socialization. 
The process where people acquire knowledge, social skills, and language to be able to conform to the workings of a society.  

I want you to know that a dish may hold love and even hate. 
The media allowed for people to see this dish in different perspectives and it's all about preference. 

If you look closely this baleada does not look like the rest. It is unique in its own way just like we are. But it isn't it ironic that it's all made from the same ingredients. We all may be given the same start, but our outcomes will always be different. That is because we are individualized in our own way. Similar to food, people, plants, trees. You ever realized the tree and the sprouts around it come from the same nutrients underground, but they will not create the same product. 

"If everything is the same, nothing is special."

One inquiry I had this week was the realization that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be. But I realized as well that in order to win you have to fail. And at your darkest times you’ll find your brightest self. It’s not like I didn’t have a great week but I rather would’ve it spent with the person I love most.  Then when I said “aha” and decided I should do best for myself and my mind. Im constantly challenging myself in different ways and with that comes the growth factor. Everyone is different but I find that I can critique myself pretty well and understand when I’m doing wrong. This allows me to make changes to habits, language, etc. To be able to make growth takes a lot and it can come in many ways. One thing I also said was a “aha” moment was when I caught myself eating with my eyes. I walk into launch and lock eyes with all different types of food. So I also learned to relax on the eating. 


  1. I like that you speak about how everyone may see this dish as different, because of different perspectives. I also like the way that your work is spaced out, it makes me look at each picture before continuing to read. *Gabby (Gabrielle)*

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  3. I really enjoyed the theme of your presentation. It's important to be unique and different. - Abdullahi

  4. First and foremost I wanted to say that the dish itself looks really yummy. I think you did a good job and its really awesome that reflects your culture. My one suggestion would be maybe customize the layout of the blog to make it more colorful (if you can). - Isabella :)

  5. This meal looks very appetizing. I like how you presented cultural food. - Christelle

  6. I feel as though you recipe presentation was really good. The various writing stratigies with the metephorical languages used demonstrates how recipe and food blogs aren't only where recipes are posted but where stories are told. Good job.- Jaleel Cardoso

  7. I like how you related the food to our identity and how the food we make our unique to us as people. - Totemi Adeyinka

  8. It was interesting how you pointed out that although you like this meal others might not which goes for everything. I liked your analogy of the trees and sprouts since it gives an insight into food and how each meal has its own taste even if it's made the same way. - Briana


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