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Final Reflection

I have a clear representation of all my assignments from day one. My partner did a review of my blogger and agreed that all the assignments were done. I have a clear title for all my assignments that identify the assignment as well as a date. My partner said to me “You have a consistent theme throughout your blogger about materialism.” So, I do have a gradually rising theme. I tried to reference and expand a lot of ideas off of each other because all my ideas can relate to our inquiry about food and identity. My work is in order from dates, gradually progressing toward the topic. Everything on my blog from PSA to my critical summary portfolio follows the outline of food and identity. I did include media and outside sources. I made my own video for my PSA and also included an info graph. I feel this is enough visuals mixed in with my reviews. The visuals I chose linked to our inquiry such as an info graph about food insecurity which can be related to your identity through feelings. I en

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